Sometimes I am baffled at what entertains my children.
For example, why does my youngest son like to take off and replace anything with a top or cap on it? It could be anything from an air freshener to a spray butter container. If it has a top to it, he loves to take it off, then put it back on. Over. And. Over. Again.
Then again, why does my oldest son enjoy putting things on his brother's head? Anything Parker is playing with, Payton likes to take and try to balance it on Parker's head. From the above-mentioned top/cap to a stuffed animal. Over. And. Over. Again.
And for whatever reason, their latest favorite spot to play together...
The trunk of my car!
They LOVE it!
I seriously think they would sleep back there if I'd let them.
Go figure. Kids are strange sometimes. :)
"Strange" does not even being to cover it! LOL I try so hard to come up with fun things and they find the most mundane the most interesting. Guess that means I can stop trying now, right?