Sunday, December 11, 2011

Percy & The Polar Express

Just a few quick shots of our elf Percy from this weekend...
Friday morning we found him playing Beyblades with The Grinch.
 Saturday morning, we found him tucked into the couch watching over The Polar Express train while holding his own little Polar Express and one of the Caribou (more on this train later).
 This morning (Sunday) we found him sleeping on the job... in the tissue box. We think he's a little tired from all of his shenanigans this week.
This weekend we watched the movie, Polar Express. What a great movie that is! The message behind it is so sweet, the animation is amazing, and who doesn't love Tom Hanks?!? We've watched the movie every year since Payton was born, but this year he really got into it. He kept asking all sorts of questions (Is this based on a real story? Is that really what the North Pole looks like? Where's Rudolph?) and was truly nervous for the characters at certain parts of the movie. 
So, you can imagine his delight when we woke up Saturday morning and there, all set up in the family room, was his Polar Express train! Apparently Percy the elf was very busy getting it down from the attic and setting it up in the middle of the night.
Both boys played with it all morning. At first, Parker sat so contently watching Payton move the train around the tracks. He didn't mess with it, or try to take the remote. He just happily watched. 

But once Payton got up to go do something else... it was his turn!
 He actually learned how to make sounds with the remote and can almost get the train to move.
 Look how stinkin' proud he is of himself!
 This is his new smile by the way. 
When he sees the camera come out, he hams it up, showing off all his new teeth!
What a cutie.

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