Thursday, December 15, 2011

More Elf Antics & Some Fun Pics

We have had some fun Christmas activities lately including a Suzuki Violin concert for Payton's best friend Lilly. She was incredible! I honestly didn't know a 7-year old could play a violin so beautifully. The concert was fun, and Payton sat through all of the other participants anxiously awaiting the buffet table full of desserts in the back of the room. Lilly got a trophy for completing a book of music, which is a huge accomplishment for the Suzuki program.

Another fun activity that Parker has discovered is playing with the Christmas centerpiece on our kitchen table. He finds is oh-so-fun to sit on the table, and put the red Christmas balls into the top of the candles. Then he chucked one on the floor and it smashed into a hundred pieces. So much for "non-breakable ornaments."

This has nothing to do with Christmas, but I had to post these pictures that I took the other day. It was a gorgeous day out, so Parker and I were playing on the back porch in his plastic car. He started making these "squinty" faces at me, which in turn made me laugh hysterically. Once he figured out he was getting a reaction out of me, he kept doing it over and over again. Then he'd LAUGH, then I would LAUGH. Finally Brian came out and took a picture of the two of us cracking up together. There's just something contagious about baby laughter...
Now, for a brief elf update!
Percy has been up to some high-flying antics this week! On Wednesday morning, we found him hang-gliding from our kitchen ceiling!
He must have worn himself out, because we found him "refueling" this morning on the kitchen counter:
Hope you are enjoying some fun holiday activities as well!

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