Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Big Day!

Today was a big day for many reasons.
First, our mischievous elf was found playing Payton's "Angry Birds" board game this morning on the kitchen counter top...
 He was ready to launch himself right into those crazy pigs!
Okay, so maybe that wasn't such a "big" moment. But later that morning, we got a special visit from Brian's Aunt Bernadette (aka, Aunt B), his Great Grandfather and his Great Aunt! We were so thrilled to see them all, even if it was just for a short lunch time visit.
Even though he doesn't look super thrilled in this photo, Parker LOVED Aunt B! He snuggled right up to her and loved on her on the couch.
Then, later in the afternoon, we went to get Payton's hair cut and decided that Parker need a little trim himself! Aunt B told us that it's bad luck to get a baby's hair cut before his 1st birthday, so this was just a trim around the ears (to make him look more like a boy than a girl, according to my husband).
Here are more pictures of him getting his hair cut than you ever wanted to see.
Big brother is getting him ready for the big moment...
 Payton was determined Parker needed to be held down during his trim. Then he got called away for his own hair cut, so Parker was "released."
 He wasn't sure what to make of the nice lady who was so patiently trimming his hair...
 Then he lost it, so I had to hold him while she finished. What a look he's giving! I can only imagine what he's thinking right here...
 Hanging in there, but not happy...
 Up close shot of him thinking, "Is this over yet???"
Big brother getting his own hair cut...
 And finally... the pay off. His first lollipop!
Well worth the "torture!"
And now, I'm happy to say, he looks like a very handsome little BOY. As does my other little man. Sorry I don't have any "after" pictures for you. Parker threw a complete fit when I had to throw the lollipop away and so we scooted outta there as fast as our legs could carry us!

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