Saturday, September 3, 2011

Random Ramblings

I just went to download some pictures off the camera and realized I have quite a hodge-podge of photos to share. So, here are some random ramblings...

First off, last week Brian hung a swing from our tree in the backyard. Which is probably not that interesting for most people, but it is to me for two reasons:
1.) When we first moved into this house, a hurricane came through Tampa and knocked down a lot of trees in our community. This little tree was literally sideways with the roots sticking up out of the ground. We had to decide to either dig it out and get rid of it, or try to save it. Well, Brian and my Dad got to work and put all sorts of support beams around it and re-planted it. Now, 7 years later, it is a huge, beautiful oak tree that provides tons of shade, houses a great bird feeder that I love to watch in the fall, and now has a swing hanging from it. So glad we saved you little tree!!!
And 2.) I've always wanted a swing in the backyard ever since Payton was a baby. Now we have one and it is SO fun to watch him swing on it!
Okay, moving on...

The next random thing to share is that we recently got new neighbors. I'm so excited because they have a little boy that is in second grade! They seem like great people and I'm really looking forward to getting to know them better. So, when people move in to a house nearby, I bake brownies and then we all go deliver them together so we can introduce ourselves. I have this template saved on my computer and I just print one off when we need it (obviously I've edited the photo to cross out our personal info, but you get the idea):
This way, the new family knows which house we're in, and the ages of our kids, along with our contact info in case they want to get together or have any questions, etc. It's been a great way to meet new neighbors.

Next random thing... Payton has recently taken to climbing into Parker's crib any chance he gets. It's hysterical. Parker thinks it's the best thing in the world and Payton thinks it's so funny.
I swear they'd stay in there all day if we'd let them eat in there! And speaking of eating... our little Parker has developed quite the appetite these days. He's eating all sorts of foods including waffles, rotisserie chicken, anything I make in the crock pot and all kinds of fruits and veggies. I love watching the boys eat breakfast together in the morning.

Last but not least, today is the first UF Gator football game! Whoo, whoo!!! We're very excited for football season! We've got the UF flag flying outside and our blow-up Albert chillin' in the bushes. And of course, the boys had their "Gator Friday donuts" yesterday along with a bite of a Gator chocolate bar. "HERE WE GO GATORS, HERE WE GO!!!!"


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