Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sleepovers, Bowling and Trains, oh my!

We're in full summertime mode here at the Heckman household! Playing with friends all day, going to bed late, sleeping in, and staying in jammies until mid-day... it's definitely laid back around here these days. 
Payton had one of his best friends sleepover this week. They had so much fun playing the Wii, taking a bubble bath, making ice cream sundaes, and staying up late. 
Today, we went bowling with our neighbors. I always forget how much fun bowling is. The kids had a great time competing for 1st place, the food is cheap, greasy and yummy, and the arcade is full of silly games. Great rainy day fun, which is what we needed since it's been raining for two days straight...
We are also discovering that Parker is going to be a train lover just like his big brother. This morning, Payton got out his little battery-operated trains and Parker looked on with great anticipation...
And one more photo to share... just because he's so darn cute in his little jumper...
Did I mention that he cut a tooth this week??? He's growing up too fast! Somebody tell me how to keep him a baby.
Hope everyone is enjoying the slow-pace of summertime!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Both of your boys are getting so big!! :) Happy summer.
