Thursday, July 21, 2011

Allowance and DS games

Payton started receiving an allowance this year. Every day he has to make his bed, tidy his room, help walk Rohy (or push the stroller), and clear the dinner dishes. We also usually have other little things throughout the week that we ask him to help with. And the most important part of all his "chores" is that he has to do them without complaining. At the end of the week he gets his allowance and then splits it up: save, spend, tithe. 
He is finally starting to understand the importance of saving... and the idea that life isn't free. He continually asks us to buy DS games for him. And each time we say, "No, but if you save your money, you can buy one." So, he finally saved up enough money and was able to purchase his own DS game.
It's called "Plants vs. Zombies." And although it sounds really dark and scary... it's actually pretty funny. Apparently Parker thought it was just as great as Payton...
Okay, so maybe Parker wasn't really interested in the game at all. He really just wanted to look at Payton. He adores his big brother. I hate to think that temper tantrums and screaming matches over sharing toys are in my future. For now, I'm trying to really savor every moment of them cuddling, laughing, and really enjoying each others company. It truly is so precious.

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