Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Christmas fun continues...

Payton's table-mates, Jamie and Lauren.
Payton's class has been doing lots of fun activities the past few weeks. I forgot my camera when they had their "Holiday Centers" but another mom promised me she would share her photos. So, those will be coming soon. Another day, the built gingerbread houses. I thought it would be mass chaos, but his very organized teacher had all the toppings on a plate for each child and had a little gingerbread house for each child that was stuck to a platter. It was perfect! The kids had so much fun creating their little houses. Of course whatever didn't make it on the gingerbread house, made it in their stomachs. They were quite wound-up afterward.
The final masterpiece!

We also made this adorable train table scape from the Martha Stewart craft collection at Michael's Crafts. I was surprised at how much Payton was able to do with this craft. He folded all the train cars and the train station and then helped me glue and glitter the entire thing. It ended up being a very fun Christmas craft for us.
(He loves his new reindeer antlers that he got from Mrs. Scaglione in his holiday gift bag)
One last thing that I have to share... just because it's so cute. It is a writing assignment they had in school last week. They were supposed to write what they like about the holiday season (I'll translate it below):
It says: "I like Christmas because it is Jesus' birthday. I get presents. I make cookies. I see Santa. Why do you like Christmas?" How sweet is that? I love that my little boy put Jesus' birthday as the first reason he loves Christmas.

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