Monday, May 3, 2010

Miscellaneous Fun

I have some miscellaneous photos to post that don't really fit under any other category than "fun." We've recently gone bowling, made homemade donuts, and Payton has developed a new fascination with giving people wedgies (or grundies as my husband calls them). Hope they make you smile or inspire you to try something new...the donuts I mean, not the wedgies...

We took Payton bowling for the first time as a family (we've only been there for birthday parties in the past). It was a lot of fun, although he got very frustrated that he couldn't bowl a strike every time like he can on Wii sports. Go figure! After bowling, we played a mean round of air hockey in the arcade. I felt like I was back in Middle School. It was so much fun!

Another fun experiment we tried last week was making homemade donuts. They're SO easy and SO delicious I may never go back to Dunkin Donuts again! I'll post the recipe below for anyone interested in a quick, really fun recipe you can make with your kids. As you can see, Payton enjoyed the "eating part" of this recipe the most!

So this last picture is Payton posing for Brian with a huge wedgie. He thinks it's the most hysterical thing in the whole world to give Brian a wedgie, but laughs just as hard when Brian does it back to him. Boys... I don't know if I'll ever understand them. :)

* TO MAKE THE DONUTS: Simply purchase a roll of Pillsbury biscuits (I used the flaky kind). Use a small circle cutter (I used the measuring cup from a children's Tylenol bottle) to cut out the centers of the biscuits. Heat enough canola or vegetable oil over medium heat in a pan to cover 1/2 the biscuit while cooking. Once oil is hot, place 4-5 biscuit pieces in the oil for 3-4 minutes. WATCH them, as you don't want them to burn. Turn them over once they are golden brown and cook other side. Remove once both sides are cooked and let cool on paper towels. After they have cooled for a few minutes (but while still a little warm) douse them with a cinnamon/sugar mixture until covered. Serve warm. YUM!!!!!

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