Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life in perspective

Most of my posts are happy, sometimes funny (I hope) updates on our daily lives. But today I just wanted to take a few moments to remind everyone - myself included - how of precious life is and how often we take it for granted.

A church friend of ours has been lost at sea for 4 days now, and the thought of "not knowing" where he is or what has happened to him, is so painful. I cannot imagine what his wife and family are going through. I find myself picturing him in the ocean and I have to tell myself not to "go there" and focus on praying for him and his family instead.

This whole ordeal has just reminded me that life is so fleeting. You can go out one day for a nice afternoon of fishing and never return. My husband could leave for work one morning and that could be the last time I ever see him. What if that happened? What were my last words to him? Did I kiss him goodbye? Did I tell him I loved him? Why does it take losing something or someone to make us realize how much we truly do love them?

If anything comes out of this horrific situation, I pray that it will draw people closer to God, and closer to each other. Please hug your loved ones a little bit tighter tonight. Look them in the eyes and tell them that you love them. And please, please pray for the Cooper family that they would find healing and comfort from God during this unimaginable time.

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