Monday, December 15, 2008

Some Christmas Fun

This Christmas season has been really special with Payton. He is at the perfect age to experience the true awe and wonder that comes with the season. On one hand, he totally gets the true meaning behind Christmas and talks about baby Jesus and the manger... in fact, last night at a Christmas party, he asked me why the manger was called a "manger" and not a "stable" since there were animals in it. I love the mind of a 3-year old!

On the other hand, he is totally enthralled with the lights, decorations, Christmas trees, Santa, elves, every single Christmas TV show and movie, and all of the treats that come along with this time of year.
We've been bouncing from one Christmas event to the next, and loving every minute of it! Last week we went with our friends Rachel & Lilly to see the Victorian Christmas Stroll at the University of Tampa. The kids enjoyed looking at all of the different trees, but just couldn't understand why they couldn't touch anything. Here are a couple of pics...

Then on Saturday night, our community had its annual "Santa parade." One of our friends had a block party in their driveway and all the kids had a ball playing until the "Big Guy" arrived on top of a firetruck. Payton wasn't too thrilled with all the chaos that came along with the sirens and mass children running amok. But overall, he had a good time. Here are some pics...

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