Thursday, August 7, 2008

New looks...

Everything is getting a "facelift" around here this week. First off, you probably noticed our beautiful new blog format. My sister-in-law's good friend Amanda designed this for us (thank you SOOOO much Amanda!!!). She is so very talented and apparently a wizard at time management since she designs blogs, holds down a job, and has two small children! How she finds time for all of it is a mystery to me. But I am very grateful to her for this new design!

Secondly, our playroom got a much-needed "facelift" this week too (see picture to left). We finally decided on paint colors, after having random paint samples all over the walls for weeks. After the painting was completed, we got our new furniture in place. The nicest thing about it is that it hides all of Payton's toys when the doors are closed! For those of you who know what a neat-freak that I am, this is a very nice feature.

Lastly, our son decided he would try on a new look tonight (see picture below). Apparently wearing underwear on your lower body is "so last season!" He's decided it looks much better on his head. (Can't you just hear him laughing in this picture!?!?!)

Lots has been going on here this week (e.g. why I haven't blogged in a few days). But most importantly, we're just enjoying these last couple weeks before school starts. It's hot, but we're making the most of it! Hugs to everyone!

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