Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Favorites

I just got back from the mall. And I'm in a great, holiday-induced mood.


Because it's Friday. That's the key.

If you can get to the mall on a weekday, during the morning hours, it's SO much better than going on a weekend or an evening.

I wasn't playing Frogger with other shoppers and strollers trying to get across hallways. I didn't have to watch Parker like a hawk in the play area hoping not to loose track of him amongst 40 other snotty, sneezing, coughing little kids. And I felt like yelling, "Well Jimney Christmas! Look at that, would ya?" when I saw that Santa was just sitting up in his perfectly crafted mall-sized Christmas Village all by his lonesome. No kids. No lines. Not one single person. I was quite tempted to just pay the money and let Parker sit in his lap and talk to him till the cows came home, but I didn't. Instead, we just waved from outside the snowy Village fence and said, "We'll see you next week Santa when we come back with big brother!"

Parker was totally happy with that. In fact, judging by how shy he was acting, I'm wondering if we're going to have a total screaming meltdown some crying when I actually do try to get him to sit on Santa's lap. Stay tuned...

Back to my mall experience. It's quite fun to go to the mall right now. All the Christmas decorations are hung. Holiday tunes are blasting over the speakers, every single store is having some kind of incredible "Pre-Black Friday Sale" and with my Peppermint Mocha latte in hand, I was very pleased to knock out several people on my Christmas list in one fell swoop. It was a good day.

In preparation for a fun weekend, I thought I'd share some of my favorite photos from the week. Hope you enjoy!
Parker's Thanksgiving Celebration at his preschool. That's his cute teacher, Miss Tina.

Okay, so they're all blurry, but come cute is this? If Payton lays in the playroom, Mocha immediately jumps out of her cage and snuggles up to him. Who knew bunnies could be so sweet and cuddly?

Payton was chosen to do the flag presentation at Cub Scouts this week. He took the position very seriously and did a great job.
Double tickles! Brian's got skills.
I love this photo. That's Brian standing behind Payton & Parker as they jump waves together. It was such a sweet moment, and the setting was so breathtaking. Nothing like watching your boys play in the ocean as the sun sets.

The kids are out of school next week, so I doubt I will have time to post anything to the blog. But, who knows, they may surprise me! If I don't get back here next week, I hope everyone has a safe and fun holiday surrounded by friends and/or loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


You won't find any useful tips in today's post.

No helpful recipes or organizing solutions.

Not even a link to another fabulous blog that could help you with something.

Basically, this is just a random post with random photos and random thoughts.

Sometimes I just gotta clear my head by writing stuff down. And lucky for you, this is my creative writing venue these days.

First up...I despise the DMV.

Actually, I don't really have anything against my particular DMV office. Because BOTH (did you read that correctly, I said BOTH) times I have visited them this month to renew my driver's license they have been very friendly.

They sent me away with no new license, but they were friendly about it.

Sadly, I STILL do not have the ridiculously stupid crazy proper documentation to renew my license. Apparently since 9/11 you now have to show certified documents (e.g. no photocopies) of your birth certificate or passport as well as your marriage license if you changed your name when you got married.

So, even though I have my original Social Security card, certified birth certificate and a billion other documents (including my current valid driver's license!!!!) I had to order a certified copy of my marriage license because the one I have is a certified photocopy (stamped and everything). UGH!!!!

Okay, moving on...

As a lot of you know, I am a big fan of Instagram. It's a fun way to show Brian, my parents, and in laws the little things that we do throughout the day, without telling the whole world on Facebook. The only problem in Instagram is that I follow some pretty amazing bloggers. Women who get paid for blogging. Women who are sponsored by companies like Target and Michael's Crafts and Pottery Barn! So sometimes their posts make me feel like I need to get on the ball and redecorate my closet with beautiful wallpaper and a hanging crystal chandelier, or host a fabulous party with color-coordinated striped paper straws, or do some super fun craft with my kids that results in the most amazing Christmas ornament in the world.

Then reality sets in and I think, "None of that is going to happen, so I just need to be happy for them and enjoy what I have in life."

It can be a difficult leap sometimes to go from coveting what others have - especially in this world of social media where everyone's "fabulous" life is shoved in our face 24/7 - to being content with where you are in life. But I am striving to do so. And the first way I am doing this, is not going overboard with Christmas.

My entire family and most of my close friends know that this has been a challenging decade year for us financially. Brian's business has been up and down, and we have to sacrifice some things since I do not work outside the home. I know in my heart of hearts that everyone one of my family members and friends would prefer something heartfelt and special for Christmas over something expensive. I truly do believe that. So, I am making a pact with myself that we will not go in debt this Christmas season just to have extra wrapped gifts under the tree. My gift choices will be special, meaningful, and something the person will really use/want.

Okay, last bit of randomness for you today...

Here is a picture dump from the last week or so. Some are from IG, some are new. Either way, I hope they bring a smile to your face. :)

We were invited by our neighbors to go sailing last weekend. They have a huge, beautiful sailboat with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living area, bathroom/'s amazing. The weather was yucky all day, and then just as we all boarded the boat and left the marina, the sun peeked through the clouds and we had a beautiful sunset sail.
(L to R) Me & Brian, our neighbor Kathie, the boat owners, Tom & Bahama, and Kathie's hubby, Brad. Not pictured are our other neighbors Kristen & Dave.

Tom actually let Brian put his hand on the wheel for a few minutes. Ha! Ha! But Kristen sailed us most of the evening.

Brian & Dave sitting on the front of the boat.
Speaking of sunsets, we've had some amazing ones lately. Beautiful pinks and purples in the sky. This particular evening, the sun was setting just right over the pond outside our house. We told Payton & his friend Avery to stand together for a picture. This is what we got:
How precious are they??
And for no particular reason, I give you two adorable shots of my little guy...
I'll never get tired of seeing this tiny tushie in tiny underwear. TOO cute!
We were walking on a fishing pier and he just grabbed my hand. I don't ever want to forget this moment.
Another moment I'd like to tattoo in my memory is watching Payton lead worship in his church class. He knew every word, every motion to the song. He led with such enthusiasm and happiness. I can only pray he continues to so openly share his faith with the world.

See, I started off this post in a pretty bad mood. But now I'm ending it with such a warm, grateful heart. Writing is so therapeutic for me. But so is looking through a week's worth of pictures. I appreciate you sticking with me even on these not-so-exciting posts...because sometimes, 
life is a box of un-sharpened number 2 pencils...

...and sometimes it's a box of Mr. Sketch scented markers.
Today, I'm gonna make it a vibrant, scented-marker-kinda-day! 

{Promise I'll be back next time with a more useful post...and less bad analogies} :)

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Organized Boy's Bedroom

I'm bein' real transparent with y'all today. I'm actually letting you peek inside my 8-year old's bedroom. YIKES! OH THE HORROR! 

Actually, it's not that bad. He does a pretty decent job of putting everything in its proper place...when I remind him.

This post was actually born out of requests from a couple of my friends who wanted to know how I keep toys/clothes, etc. organized in Payton's room. See, a million years ago, before I had kids, I had my own professional organizing company. People actually paid me money to come organize their closets, bedrooms, name it!

So, you'd think our house would be full of awesome California Closet built-in's and perfectly matching Container Store products. Well, you'd be wrong. VERY wrong. Because while all of those beautifully designed products work great, they're also very expensive. And while I do enjoy an organized space, I have to be creative with with the budget we have. Living on one income means making sacrifices on some things, and one of those things is matching furniture.

So you'll see that I am pretty serious about implementing the rule that "If everything has a place, it will be easy to put away"... however, it's not going to look like a Pottery Barn Kids catalog.

Okay, disclaimers out of the way, let's get started on this post!

First rule of organizing a kid's room: MAKE IT SIMPLE.

The more plain and simple you make a kid's room, the easier it will be for them to keep it tidy.

Payton has very few items in his room, and I think it allows him to know exactly where everything belongs. For example, he loves Lego's. He's built about a million different models. But when they're not in use, they belong on his display shelves above his dresser.

On top of his dresser are 3 models that don't fit on the shelves. That's it. Nothing else. Three Lego models...well, and his Dad's childhood Bears lamp.

This way, if I walk into his room and see his dresser covered in "stuff" I can say, "Payton, please clean off your dresser" and he knows everything except those 3 models must be put away.

Aside from Lego's, Payton is also an avid reader. He has collected many books over the years, and has a large bookshelf at the end of his bed that houses them...and his beloved Rainbow Loom.
He keeps his Rainbow Loom in one of my "Lock N Lock" tupperware containers. It's easy for him to open, it locks close, there's a handle on top which makes it easy to transport around to friend's houses, and there's plenty of room for the bands, the loom and extra bracelets.

Now I'm sure there is a $30 Rainbow Loom carrier that would also work just as well, but as I said, we make do with what we have when we can. He purchased the Rainbow Loom with his own money and then had to be creative about how to store it.

As for his bed, it used to be an adorable Pottery Barn train-themed bedding with his name on it. But he decided he was too big for trains, and wanted a down comforter, so he now sleeps on top of the train comforter (which has been flipped over to the all-blue side) with the down comforter on top of him. Why you ask? Because it only takes about 1 minute for him to make the bed this way. Clever kid.

His nightstand holds only this month's edition of the 3 magazines he gets (Highlights, Lego & Boy's Life) along with whatever book he's currently reading. Too many things on the bedside table aggravate me.
As for toys, we house them inside his closet. And in a fairly organized manner.
Loose Lego pieces go in these color-coded drawers. Then the green bases and instruction manuals go in the top drawer of the unit below. You'll see another clear storage container next to it with a green lid. These are all of his Lego Ninjago characters and vehicles.
Under the Lego drawers are two drawers with miscellaneous toys. You know, the ones that come home from God-knows-where and have a ton of pieces to them (e.g. miniature bowling set, Mighty Beanz, anything that shoots things, Pokemon characters, etc.). We go through these drawers a couple times a year and toss anything that they don't play with anymore. But I swear, Parker will open those drawers and play with that crap stuff for an hour. He loves all the little pieces and parts.

And next to that plastic shelving unit is a white wooden unit that houses all of his games. These are not our "family" games - most of those are in the hall closet. These are the games he likes to play with his friends in his bedroom.

Above all of those toys are his hanging clothes. The only things I hang up are his collared shirts, nicer things like his Nike football jersey's, Boy Scout uniform, and clothes that he doesn't fit into just yet.
And above that, I store his rarely-used Winter clothes. We have so little of it, that it all fits inside this little basket (except for his coats - those are in the hall closet as well).
The rest of Payton's clothes are stored in his dresser. It's the nicest piece of furniture in his room. My in-laws bought it for him when he was born (my parents got him his crib) and we used it for a changing table and now for his dresser. It holds SO many clothes. This is how I break down his dresser:
Top long drawer: t-shirts
Middle long drawer: shorts
Bottom long drawer: PJ's & swim clothes
Top small drawer: misc stuff like his eczema lotions, chap stick, watches, bracelets, etc.
Middle small drawer: socks & underwear
Bottom small drawer: shoes that don't fit yet, athletic gear, etc.

And next to his dresser is his beloved desk. This is a recent hand-me-down from my parents. He has not had a desk in his room until he recieved this, and now he feels very grown up because he can do his homework in his room, or play on his computer sometimes (and always with the door open) on his own desk. Very grown-up indeed!
Oh! And that blue bin that is on the floor next to his desk is where I put all of his clothes when he outgrows them. It makes it so much easier just to stick them in there when I realize the shorts he just put on are suddenly an inch too short. When the bin is full, I sort through it and decide what to store in the attic for Parker, and what to donate/consign. It's a good system if you have room for a bin like this somewhere in your child's room.

There's one last place I didn't photograph, and that's under the bed. I can honestly tell you that the only things under his bed are his old motorized trains and his Beyblade stadium & Beys. I don't like to store things in his bed for multiple reasons, but most recently because Mocha gets under there sometimes and I need to be able to easily & quickly reach her. :)

Okay, I think I've shown you every inch of Payton's room. I hope this gave you some organizing ideas. Just remember to keep it simple. The less clutter, the better. And make sure your child knows where everything goes - labels are a mom's best friend!

Happy organizing everyone!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thanksgiving Ideas {FREE Printables}

Everyone seems to already be on the "Countdown to Christmas" but I am still on the "Countdown to Thanksgiving" since I am hosting turkey day this year.

I am already looking forward to watching the Macy's Parade with my Mom while drinking coffee and hoping the children quietly entertain themselves for the entire morning...
A girl can dream, right?

Since we will be hosting a few people, I have been browsing my favorite web sites and blogs for fun Thanksgiving ideas. I thought I'd share a few of my favs so far...

If you're hosting a large group - especially if it involves teenagers - it would be fun to do this Thanksgiving Word Search. There is also a trivia game and other activities available here on

Printable Thanksgiving Game – Word Scramble

1. ytuerk _______________________________________
2. rcpniaocou _______________________________________
3. ehsamd stopoate _______________________________________
4. ktshan _______________________________________
5. gmrispli _______________________________________
6. yrwafoerlm _______________________________________
7. tnviae nrsmeaicn _______________________________________
8. ythomupl, kcro _______________________________________
9. yiflam _______________________________________
10. sftea _______________________________________
11. stidtnaori _______________________________________
12. brnacyrer uesac _______________________________________
13. klbac dyrifa , _______________________________________
14. solfretev _______________________________________
15. kpunmip epi _______________________________________
**Bonus ytopparnht _______________________________________

For the younger guests, this free printable activity placemat would be a great addition to the kiddie table. It's available for download at
And how fun are these little turkeys that could hold the crayons for the placemats?

If I were hosting a larger group, I would definitely use one of the adorable thanksgiving menu templates that you can customize to your own menu, available for free, by visiting this page on I'm sure you're not a bit surprised that I would chose the chevron one. :)

Also available on HGTV's web site are the instructions and templates for this precious place card and party favor in one! If my kids are feeling crafty during Thanksgiving week, I may try to get them to make these with me.

Of course, if you don't want to go the "crafty route" there are a gazillion beautifully designed free printables available in the web. Just google "Free printable thanksgiving place cards." Here are a couple of my favorites:

 Thanksgiving Placecards
And you all know I have a love of free printables that can be framed and turned into seasonal artwork. How stunning would this print be framed in an antique white frame and then set in the guest bathroom next to a sparkling candle? You can download it (along with other versions of it) for free on the beautiful blog nestofposies.
thankful and blessed chalkboard printable

There are so many wonderful ideas out there for Thanksgiving. Don't even type "Thanksgiving ideas" into the Pinterest search engine unless you have an hour or so to browse. So, have fun and take advantage of all the amazingly talented people out there who so generously share their creations with people like me (who have no design talent!).

And just in case anyone was wondering...there are 17 days left until Thanksgiving. ;)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Deals & Steals

Stop what you are doing and immediately go to your nearest Target Dollar Spot. I'm serious.

I made out like a bandit there today and I feel like I'm giving away a secret that should be kept all to my greedy little self. But...I like you guys, so I'm willing to share my good deals when I find em!

I had a few items on my shopping list today that spanned from Contact Solution to bananas, so where else do you go, but Super Target, of course? They draw you in with the idea that you're saving time by being able to buy your groceries and your toilet paper in one place, while really tricking you into spending more money that you would normally spent had you just gone to Publix and bought their generic brand of Contact Solution.

Phew...sorry, I guess I have a little pent up angst there.

Moving on...

So, after hitting the conveniently located Starbucks right when you walk in the door (hey, I had a gift card, so technically it was free), I was headed to the Dollar Spot to find a set of the plastic kids bowls that come 2 to a pack, but only cost $1 (love that!). 

But what to my wandering eyes should appear, but a miniature sleigh and 8 tiny reindeer! I'm not kidding. The Dollar Spot has been totally taken over by Santa's elves. And there are some amazing deals right now!

I got $1 stocking stuffers, $1 advent calendar goodies, $1 teacher gift pails, and other Christmas-themed items for handing out baked goods, etc. when the time arrives. Just look how cute:
Imagine these adorable burlap-wrapped gift pails stuffed with the red filler along with a tiny picture frame ornament (also $1) that will say "Miss Tina, World's Best Teacher" and a little gift card... PRESH!

I would show you said picture frame ornament too, but I may or may not have purchased a few extras for the grandparents to be filled with our most recent pictures that my talented photographer friend, Jen Bravo, took of the boys. I can't wait to see how they will turn out.

Did I mention we're on a really tight budget for Christmas this year due to our house leak & having to replace all the floors in Parker's room (and the irrigation system and install gutters...)? Well, we are. So truly, I cannot tell you how relieved and happy I am to have found $1 items that will fulfill a lot of gifts that need to be purchased.

By the time I was finished with the Dollar Spot I was almost done with my Chesnut Praline Latte and was all hopped up on caffeine. So I raced to the back of the store hoping to locate the kids bowls that I had originally been looking for. Sadly, no bowls. BUT... I did discover all of the Halloween stuff was 90% off! It was very picked over, I'm not gonna lie, but luckily for me, my little guy loves to play dress up. And look at what I found:
The cutest cowboy and Planes costumes!

Originally, these two costumes would have cost me $50. But guess what I paid for them...are you ready? Drum roll please... 
These will make wonderful Christmas gifts and will provide so much dress-up fun in the coming year. (Oh, and that item below the costumes is the Multipurpose Contact Solution that I originally came in for. It did actually make it home with me.)

As if all of my great finds weren't exciting enough, when I checked out, the cashier handed me a bunch of coupons, one of which is for a FREE photobook on Shutterfly. FREE! Can you believe that?
As I said, head to Target immediately.

In other "Steals & Deals" news...yesterday I headed to my favorite consignment shop to bring in some of Parker's Christmas pajamas and outfits from last year. They are very particular about what time of year they will accept seasonal items, so I've been holding on to these for months. I was thrilled to hear that I had a $25 credit on my account. And I was even more happy to find these amazing steals for my constantly-growing-can't-keep-up-with-him, 8-year old. He doesn't fit into any of his jeans or coats from last year. But check out what I found...

A perfect Florida "coat" that will get him through the colder 50-60 degree days we rarely ever eventually experience here in Florida. Guess what I paid for it? $9.00! It's in perfect condition, I couldn't believe it.
They had a huge selection of jeans in his size as well. Again, excellent condition.
Okay so there are some of my best savings ideas for early Christmas shopping. Now it's up to you to take advantage of them. Be creative. Visit your local consignment stores, Dollar Stores and Dollar Spots. You just may be surprised at what you find.
 Best of luck out there my shopping friends! May the discounted force be with you!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thanksgiving Preparations

I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year.

That announcement may not seem like such a big deal to most people, but I've only hosted Thanksgiving twice in my life, so it can feel very intimidating if I allow it.

Fortunately for me, there will only be a few people gathered 'round our table. And these people aren't expecting a huge Martha-Stewart-esque display, so I think I'm good. (Set the expectations low and no one gets disappointed, am I right??)

But it has forced me to pay attention to the barrage of Thanksgiving recipes, crafts, decorations, table settings and other ideas that are popping up everywhere right now. I just got an email last night from the evil friendly people at Pinterest with the subject title, "Our Ultimate Thanksgiving Guide."

I haven't opened it.

I'm afraid of what I'll see. And then what I'll feel like I "should" be doing.

Nope. This gal is takin it easy this Thanksgiving. I've already received the green light from my parents that we can do a turkey breast and a Honeybaked ham instead of a full turkey. That alone will save me the stress of researching and deciding on a turkey recipe (to brine, or not to brine?!?), prepping (gizzards...ewwwwww!!!), stuffing, cooking, basting, and being tied to the oven for God-knows-how-long. Nope. Not doin' it.

I've also suggested out the idea of doing loaded twice baked potatoes instead of mashed potatoes. They require a bit more prep work and a couple more ingredients, but I can make them the night before and warm them through on the day of. (Really, I just don't want to even attempt to compete with my sister-in-law's amazing mashed potatoes. I think about them all year long and someday I will learn her magic recipe.)

In addition to my parents, we have friends joining us this year whom we adore and they have two boys as well - one of which is Parker's good buddy. So, hopefully they'll entertain each other and the adults can linger a bit longer around the table.

As for decor...keeping that super simple too. A mix of our earth-toned cloth napkins, everyday white dishes and a simple centerpiece with lots of candles. Nothing says holidays like tons of twinkling candlelight.

I have done a bit of searching for free printable place cards just to add a bit of personalization to the table. I'll share those and some other fun things I've found in a post later this week.

In the meantime, I hope you'll join me in focusing on being thankful this month. Big or small, it truly does change your attitude when you have a thankful mindset, rather than one of envy or frustration. Try to take note of the everyday things that we so often take for granted: a hot cup of coffee, a cozy blanket, a beautiful fire in the fireplace, healthy children, a great friend... whatever it is, if it makes you happy, focus on that.

Today, I'm happy that I had my annual mammogram and it came back "normal" this time. No biopsy this year. THAT makes me very thankful!!!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Phew...Halloween Re-Cap

This past week just about did me in.

We've been going non-stop around here with Fall Festivals, Halloween parties, class parties, birthday parties, a school parade and a partridge and a pear tree. No, wait... wrong holiday.

I've done my best to savor every moment of the holiday craziness, knowing that next year, the boys will be a year older, and things will continue to become more "baby-ish" or "un-cool" to them. I couldn't get Payton to do any Halloween crafts this year. He just didn't seem to have any interest. And while I always knew there would come a day when he would grow out of wanting to do crafts with his mom, I just don't think I realized it would be quite this soon. Kinda one of those "wish I would have seen it coming" moments.

And despite the fact that we couldn't even see Payton trick-or-treating most of the night last night because he was far, FAR in front of us with all his friends, I did still feel the child-like magic that comes from dressing up in costumes, looking at spooky decorations and enjoying way to much candy...even from my very cool 8-year old.

And while I'm looking forward to a much slower month in November, I know we'll ramp things back up in December for a month-long Christmas spectacular celebration. But in the meantime, here is a major photo dump from the past week of Halloween festivities...

We did finally visit our favorite pumpkin patch and take some photos of the boys. The ones below were taken with my friend's DSLR camera that she is letting me borrow. I can't believe the difference a good camera makes!

This is the first year Payton has carved his own pumpkin. It made this mama very nervous to see him stabbing and sawing away, but he did great and the pumpkin turned out just perfect!

Parker is so photogenic sometimes.
Instead of having the kids dress up in their Halloween costumes, Payton's school has a book/vocabulary parade every year. Depending on their grade, the student chooses either a book or a vocabulary word and then dresses up as that character/word. This year, Payton teamed up with one of his good friends to be the word, "Jack-O-Lantern."
Parker anxiously awaiting Payton in the school parade.
Immediately after the parade, the class had their Fall Centers. They made adorable crafts and yummy treats. It was really fun.
Then I raced from Payton's school, over to Parker's school for his Fall Party. The kids made foam sticker crafts, listened to fall books and then had a fun snack.
How cute are these little munchkins?
Particularly, this little munchkin. :)
And then of course as the sun went down, the spooks and gouls (and Superheroes) appeared for a night of trick-or-treating.
Yes, that's Payton behind that scary costume.

Parker doing his "Spiderman Shooters." (Don't mind the mismatched shoes, it's his signature look)
Sorry for the blurry pic. That's what you get when you ask an 8-yr old to take the photo.
 Personally, I think they're much cuter withOUT their masks on.
  Basically this was our view for most of the trick-or-treating... all of the kids' backs. (Someone definitely thought he was one of the big kids.)
 Parker really got into trick-or-treating this year. I think 2 is the best age for holidays. He is awe-struck by just about everything. Each bowl of candy was a new adventure for him.
But alas, even superheroes get tired sometimes. Good think Coach Ditka was around to help out.
We ended the night with a gorgeous sky and a wonderful time with all of our neighbors.
Until next year...
Happy Halloween!